'Does mesur amseroedd byth fry

("O dragwyddoldeb, a hyd dragwyddoldeb.")
'Does mesur amseroedd byth fry,
  Dim oriau cyffelyb i'r byd;
Myn'd heibio rhyw oesoedd y sy,
  Wrth ganu i'r Drindod ynghyd;
'R holl nefodd wrth weled eir ras,
  Sy'n sỳnu, yn canu'n fwy hŷ,
Ganiadau newyddion eu blas;
  Wel dyna'r digrifwch sydd fry. 

Angelion, Seraphiaid, a Saint,
  Wrth ganu'n soniarus yn nghyd;
Eu hadsain sydd gyfuwch ei faint,
  Nes dadsain holl nefoedd i gyd;
Neb yno yn glauar ei gân,
  Na neb yn addoli mewn rhith,
Eu c'lonau yn llosgi fel tân,
  A gwynfyd na fa'wn yn eu plith.

'R anrhydedd, y gallu a'r clod,
  Y moliant, a'r parch yn gytûn,
O'r nefoedd i'r ddaear gaiff fod,
  Yn gyfan i'm Harglwydd ei hun;
Aed son am dy angeu i maes,
  O'r gogledd hyd eithaf y de',
Helaethed terfynau dy ras,
  Mor belled a chyrhaedd y ne'.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MHD 8888D]:
Blandford (<1825)
Lambeth (<1825)
New Jerusalem (<1825)
Salome (alaw Gymreig)

  Angylion seraphiaid a saint
  Wrth gofio'i riddfannau'n yr ardd
  Y rhyfel o'n hochr ni sydd
  Y wlad yr âf iddi cyn hir

("From eternity, and to eternity.")
There is no measure of times ever above,
  No hours comparable to the length;
To pass some ages there are,
  While singing to the Trinity together:
All the heavens, on seeing his grace,
  Are astonished, singing more boldly,
Songs with a new flavour;
  See, there is the pleasure which is above.

Angels, Seraphim and Saints,
  On singing sonorously together;
Their echo is as high as its length,
  Until all the heavens resound together;
No-one there with a lukewarm song,
  Nor anyone worshipping in pretence,
Their hearts burning like fire,
  And how blessed should I be in their midst.

The honour, the might and the esteem,
  The praise and the reverence in agreement,
From the heavens to the earth shall get to be,
  The whole to my Lord himself;
Let mention go forth about thy death,
  From the north to the extremity of the south,
May the boundaries of thy grace expand,
  As far as reaching heaven.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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